It's getting to the fucking point where a man can't even earn a living. Or a woman, either. Or children. If it isn't the goddamn System Pigs on your ass all day, it's the Monks, now. The Electric-fucking-Church.
For a month now, I've been running from one hole to another, trying to stay out from underfoot. It's almost like there's a war going on between the System Cops and the Monks--the cops seem to have decided the Monks are bad news and have been unofficially going afger them. Officially, of course, the Monks are legal reps of a recognized religion, protected by System laws. But fuck, I know better than anybody that the System Pigs ignore the law when it suits them.
This one Monk still keeps coming back at me, and the other day it--she?--bought me a few drinks at Rolf's if I would just listen. And it started to almost make sense. The Monk certainly didn't look like it had missed any meals, or had been sleeping in the sewers. It was calm and polite and told me it didn't fear death.
I thought of all the times the SSF had chased me down, ready to put one in my ear because I'd picked ten yen worth of shit, and I thought it would be nice, wouldn't it, to not fear death.
I don't know. You get so tired, sometimes.
Posted by kitlarmuan
at 11:53 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 January 2006 11:54 PM EST